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Tony Says;
I have only met one other person that comprehends what we speak of. It is a lonely world...lol I am comparing notes with what I grasp...we each have a different piece..but together...we can make the world a better place. I pray. Loved your comment about the imagination...that is how it came to me...the divine spark...wow what a story
Mark Says;
Thanks so much for shearing these number patterns.
El Says;
9 is the highest number in the Universe because it is a complete number.
Michael Says;
I am surprised to find someone else, who thinks about these things. This must be another one part of hidden geometry of this world. Last time algebra is a priority, people forget about geometry. The most interesting,
Marco Says;
I recently found out how a pattern of musical intervals in a circle also creates a star of david. Neat stuff thanks.
Everett Says;
It's good to view numbers in many ways as it ALWAYS leads you into finding another piece of the puzzle of Numerology. Seeing this gives me hope that there is people out there who have as much passion towards numbers as I. Its been apart of me since I was created cintrillion years ago.
Janice Says;
QBLH equals 137 in hebrew gematria :)