Feynd The 9
"nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, and so on..."
The Feynman Point
This quip by the late Physicist Richard Feynman is well know in the Physics world concerning his observation of six 9's at the 762nd through the 767th decimal place of the decimal representation of π. We're sure he realized six 9's equaled 54, (5+4) =9, yet did he realize the 762nd place also represented 6 where he recognized six 9's (7+6+2)=15 (1+5)=6 and that the 767th decimal place represents number 137? 767= (7+6+7)= 20 = (2+0)=2 as (1+3+7)=11 and (1+1)=2 we figure he didn't, but now you do.
You may be thinking "So what?" Well considering Richard Feynman was perplexed by the number 137 we wonder what he may have discovered had he realized this remarkable clue the Universe was displaying.
For all aspiring Theoretical Physicist's we offer you this; Consider looking to the numbers 137 and 9 together to discover the answer to; "How She pushed the pencil".
You may be thinking "So what?" Well considering Richard Feynman was perplexed by the number 137 we wonder what he may have discovered had he realized this remarkable clue the Universe was displaying.
For all aspiring Theoretical Physicist's we offer you this; Consider looking to the numbers 137 and 9 together to discover the answer to; "How She pushed the pencil".
So without further ado let's go Feynd the 9.
Starting with 1, 3, 7, we are able to number geometrical shapes perfectly, meaning all opposite points equal 9 and all faces added together equal 9. This is significant because it reveals the NEYƎИ Sequence 1,2,4,8,7,5; the grid of unobstructed Universal Energy flowing and repeating freely, a Grand Unified dance by energy.
All opposite points equal 9.
1+8=9, 2+7=9. 4+5=9. and 3+6=9. All faces added together equal 9. Top, 1+3+7+5=16 (1+6)=7. Bottom, 2+4+8+6=20 (1+2)=2. 2+7=9 L Side,1+5+6+2=14 (1+4)=5 R Side 3+7+8+4=22 (2+2)=4. 5+4=9 Front 5+7+8+6=26 (2+6)=8. Back 1+3+4+2=10 (1+0) =1. 8+1=9 So therefore we see the final calculations for the 6 faces are attributed to 7+2, 5+4, 8+1. Absent numbers in final calculations of the faces are 3 & 6; the fundamental organizers. * See below 3 & 6 NEYƎИ Sequence 1,2,4,8,7,5. Energy flowing freely forth and back repeating to infinity; Grand Unified Energy 1,4,7,6 are a (+) Charge 2,5,8,3 are a (-) Charge The NEYƎИ Sequence; 1,2,4,8,7,5 3,6 9 |
One photon absorbed by the electron; Pencil pushed to the period?
The NEYƎИ Sequence doubling going forward & backwards to infinity...
revealing a grid that shows the underpinning geometry
of the universe; hence how the All dances.
revealing a grid that shows the underpinning geometry
of the universe; hence how the All dances.
Forward; 1 doubled is 2 and 2 doubled is 4 and 4 doubled is 8 and 8 doubled is 16 and 1+6=7 and 16 doubled is 32 and 3+2=5 and 32 doubled is 64 and 6+4=10 and 1+0=1 which has you back at one then 64 doubled is 128 and 1+2+8=11, then 1+1=2 and so on ... to infinity.
Backwards; Half of 1 is .5 and half of .5 is .25, and 2+5=7 and half of .25 is .125 and 1+2+5=8. and half of .125 is .0625 and 0+6+2+5=13 and 1+3=4 and half of .0625 is .03125 and 0+3+1+2+5=11 and 1+1=2 then back to 1 and so on ... to infinity.
Backwards; Half of 1 is .5 and half of .5 is .25, and 2+5=7 and half of .25 is .125 and 1+2+5=8. and half of .125 is .0625 and 0+6+2+5=13 and 1+3=4 and half of .0625 is .03125 and 0+3+1+2+5=11 and 1+1=2 then back to 1 and so on ... to infinity.
3 & 6
In the NEYƎИ Sequence 1,2,4,8,7,5 you do not see 3 & 6 because they are unique to this sequence. They are the binary opposition, the fundamental organizers. They have the polar relationship of governing the energy flow of Positive and Negative to precisely balance the flow of the energy as it doubles. They are two different phenomena equaling each other; The Dualism. 3 doubled is 6 and 6 doubled is 3, and so on to infinity forward or back.
"alpha" ~ "The Fine Structure Constant" ~ "α ≈ 1/137"
We believe there is much to realize concerning the mystery of #137 and the magic of #9 and we believe others think so to.
We offer the following findings.
Our two favorite numbers 137 & 9 show their stuff....
All primes above 5 end in either 1, 3, 7, or 9, and are equally distributed
We offer the following findings.
Our two favorite numbers 137 & 9 show their stuff....
All primes above 5 end in either 1, 3, 7, or 9, and are equally distributed
The mystery about α is actually a double mystery. The first mystery – the origin of its numerical value α ≈ 1/137 has been recognized and discussed for decades. The second mystery – the range of its domain – is generally unrecognized. —Malcolm H. Mac Gregor, M.H. MacGregor (2007). The Power of Alpha. World Scientific. p. 69. ISBN 978-981-256-961-5 If alpha [the fine-structure constant] were bigger than it really is, we should not be able to distinguish matter from ether [the vacuum, nothingness], and our task to disentangle the natural laws would be hopelessly difficult. The fact however that alpha has just its value 1/137 is certainly no chance but itself a law of nature. It is clear that the explanation of this number must be the central problem of natural philosophy. —Max Born, A.I. Miller (2009). Deciphering the Cosmic Number: The Strange Friendship of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung. W.W. Norton & Co. p. 253. ISBN 978-0-393-06532-9
- Mystery of the "Magic Number" 137: Wave Genesis, Theoretical Representation, Role in the Universe "Albert M Chechelnitsky"
"That mystery already exists more that 80 years. Many of great theoreticans - founders of modern physics - Sommerfeld, Eddington, Born, Pauli, Dirac, Weyl, Heisenberg, Feynman, etc. deeply feel its true price, provocative, defiant character in connection with the fundamental basis of the theoretical phisics. Is the Fine Structure Constant (FSC) the really fundamental constant or may be it varies with the time? If that is the really fixed quantity, then - what is its true, theoretically based value? Fundamental ideas of the Wave Universe concept open new possibilities to answer that and another incidentally arising questions "
- The Mystery of 137. "Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera" - http://www.integralworld.net/piacenza4.html
- Mystery of the "Magic Number" 137: Wave Genesis, Theoretical Representation, Role in the Universe "Albert M Chechelnitsky"
"That mystery already exists more that 80 years. Many of great theoreticans - founders of modern physics - Sommerfeld, Eddington, Born, Pauli, Dirac, Weyl, Heisenberg, Feynman, etc. deeply feel its true price, provocative, defiant character in connection with the fundamental basis of the theoretical phisics. Is the Fine Structure Constant (FSC) the really fundamental constant or may be it varies with the time? If that is the really fixed quantity, then - what is its true, theoretically based value? Fundamental ideas of the Wave Universe concept open new possibilities to answer that and another incidentally arising questions "
- The Mystery of 137. "Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera" - http://www.integralworld.net/piacenza4.html
"alpha" ~ "α" ~ "1/137" - Video's worth a look.
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