Flower Of Life & NEYƎИ - #9
Perfectly Numbering The 'Flower Of Life' Using The NEYƎИ Sequence: 1,2,4,8,7,5, and 3, 6, 9.
The 'Flower of Life' comes numerically alive through 3, 6, 9, the famed Nikola Tesla’s numbers @ https://www.nikolateslalegend.com/mysteries/tesla/nikola-tesla-369-theory and the NEYƎИ sequence 1,2,4,8,7,5.
You will see each petal group has its own unique number pattern with help from Marco Rodin’s; 'Vortex Based Mathematics' @ https://rense.com/rodinaerodynamics.htm , that is referenced on Terrance Deshon Howard's website @ https://tcotlc.com Now I mention Michael R. Evans here, who presented; The Geometry of Light, Art and Theory @ http://michaelrevans.com because he said; “Numbers are always changing. You can make numbers go anyway you want. Geometry; it either is or it isn’t.” I say. "There are only nine true numbers, 1 to 9; the rest are just add-ons because every number has a root number that never changes.” Example 15 = 1+5 = 6, ∴ 6 is the root number of 15. So no matter how large the number, it can always revert back to it’s source from numbers 1 to 9, which remain always constant. So with that in mind let’s go see the magic when 3, 6 , 9, and the NEYƎИ sequence 1,2,4,8,7,5 meet the 'Flower of Life.' |
Just before I begin, I’d like to offer the following for clarification. I've been followed around by the number 137 for years. It has produced some fun magic for me over time, so I decided to start with it to number the 'Flower Of Life,' and it didn’t disappoint. It’s a rather strange number this 137 that physicist's readily point out. https://science.howstuffworks.com/dictionary/physics-terms/why-is-137-most-magical-number.htm After I laid the number 137 on the 'Flower of Life,' an image of Marco Rodin’s pattern from his 'Vortex Based Mathematics’ came to me, so that’s why I used it. And last but not least, I too have had the fantastic opportunity to visit ‘The Mansion' that Terrance Deshon Howard spoke about on Joe Rogan’s podcast @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g197xdRZsW0&t=229s So I consider my willingness to perfectly number the 'Flower of Life,' is encouraged by; 'The Mansion.’ So my thanks go out to 'The Source.'
The third one is centre clockwise 3,6,5,2,3,1. Outer clockwise is 2,3,5,7,1,4.
The fourth one is centre clock wise 2,4,4,3,6,2. Outer clockwise is 7,1,2,5,3,6. |
The fifth one is centre clockwise 4,6,2,3,4,1. Outer clockwise is 5,2,6,1,9,3.
The sixth one is centre clock wise 3,2,7,4,5,5. Outer clockwise is 4,9,7,8,2,6. |
The seventh one is centre clockwise 5,3,5,43,1. Outer clockwise is 2,1,6,1,8,1.
The eighth one is centre clock wise 4,7,4,5,8,8, Outer clockwise is 7,8,3,8,1,5. |
The ninth one is centre clockwise 6,7,2,5,1,4. Outer clockwise is 5,9,3,1,7,5.
The tenth one is centre clock wise 5,3,7,6,8,8. Outer clockwise is 4,7,5,8,9,8. |
The eleventh one is centre clockwise 7,5,5,6,5,7. Outer clockwise is 2,8,7,4,6,3.
The twelfth one is centre clock wise 6,5,4,7,9,8. Outer clockwise is 7,6,1,2,8,8. |
The thirteenth one is centre clockwise 8,9,2,7,3,4. Outer clockwise is 8,7,5,7,5,7.
The fourteenth one is centre clock wise 7,1,1,8,5,2. Outer clockwise is 4,5,3,5,7,9. |
The fifteenth one is centre clockwise 9,8,8,8,7,7. Outer clockwise is 8,6,9,4,4,2.
The sixteenth one is centre clock wise 8,3,1,9,7,5. Outer clockwise is 1,4,4,2,6,5. |
The seventeenth one is centre clockwise 1,8,8,9,2,4. Outer clockwise is 8,5,8,7,3,4.
The eighteenth one is centre clock wise 9,4,1,1,3,2. Outer clockwise is 1,3,3,5,5,7. |
That is all 18 unique, unchanging, number group patterns for the perfectly numbered, 'Flower Of Life.'
Looking at the word, ‘Flower' I reduced it to ‘Flow’ and as you’ll see the ‘Flow Of Life’ reduces to the number 1, as expected, because there is only ‘One Source’ that ALL is flowing to and from.
In conclusion; I’ll offer this reminder. Left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top and side to side, I equal NEYƎИ - #9. Proving a conclusion that we cannot escape; The NEYƎИ Sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5; overlayed on the word NEYƎИ reveals; EYE / EYƎ AM a mirror unto myself, as are we, and all other things.
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